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Captura de Pantalla 2020-01-05 a la(s) 9

So far I have tried different types of exercise, but ballet is 2 in 1: therapy for body and soul.

-Atiđa Selmani (33), Croatia

Za mene je sat baleta najbolji dio dana, vrijeme potpune sreće i ispunjenja. Na svakom satu dajem apsolutno sve od sebe, kao i moje kolegice i profesorica Irene koja nas korigira i potiče da napredujemo.

-Iva Kušan (56), arhitektica, učenica baleta i fitnessa, Hrvatska

In the very short period since his arrival at the studio, progress has been apparent. All this would not have been possible without professional guidance, a comfortable and warm positive atmosphere, and an international, non-competitive and stimulating environment, which all together makes every student feel like they are in a little real dance paradise!

-Ivana Bozanić, Croatia

The first thought of ballet as a physical activity is often something abstract, elusive and incredible. After the first hour of dance, the students of the DanzArt Dance Studio become part of the DanzArt family, which supports everyone to become even better, who regularly hang out outside dance classes.

-Dijana Mamić (30), Croatia

I'm attending ballet class for beginners. Ballet is a dream since my childhood, but I was always afraid to try and I had never imagined that I would learn ballet in a foreign country until I met DanzArt. So first of all I'm very grateful that DanzArt brought ballet to my life. The course is very well designed and the class atmosphere is quite positive with a lot of fun. Teaching is brilliant. Irene always correcting me when necessary with lots of patience and giving compliments when I get improved. Irene keeps the pace of each class very well, so I feel challenged and motivated at the same time. It's not just to enjoy dancing and workout, but also good for training concentration and memory. It is a highly enjoyable experience to learn ballet dancing with DanzArt, and I heartily recommend you to join us!

I have never been in such a quality ballet studio in Zagreb. Their priority is to teach students how to dance and enjoy dancing... What amazes me most is how fully dedicated teachers are to helping students learn and improve their dancing skills and the commitment and energy they exhibit while explaining and teaching... They put in a lot of effort and you can notice it from the moment you walk in the studio... You progress really fast and every second of the class makes you a better dancer..

Bruna Gavranović, Ballet student, Croatia

Guan Wang (27), Ballet student, China

Prije nekoliko mjeseci krenula sam na balet u DanzArt studio. Nikad se prije nisam bavila plesom, naprotiv, više od 10 godina trenirala sam taekwondo. Došla sam na nagovor prijateljice jer sam se htjela ponovno početi nečime baviti. Jedan dolazak na sat baleta bio je dovoljan da odlučim zaplesati. Ovakav spoj dobrog druženja, antistres terapije i fizičke aktivnosti preporučila bih svima!

Nakon prvog sata sam mislila da nikad neću proplesati, ali kako su prolazili dani i mjeseci bila sam zadivljena svojim napretkom. Moje tijelo se u potpunosti transformiralo, a držanje mi se popravilo. Atmosfera na satovima je prekrasna i svi smo postali kao jedna mala obitelj.

-Josipa Kedmenec, Hrvatska

-Ivana Krmpotić, učenica baleta, Hrvatska.


It's amazing how these seemingly simple exercises that we perform in ballet classes bring you shape, build muscle, increase concentration and improve posture and mood

-Maja Kušan (28), Croatia

The doors of DanzArt Studio are like the wooden closet from the Chronicles of Narnia. Once you come in you get immerse in a fairytale and you don't want to get back to the real world anymore.

-Jozo Kraljević, učenik baleta, Hrvatska.

I 've joined DanzArt since May of 2016, and I have fallen in love with dance, particularly ballet. It took one moment, a choice to let my guard down and try something outside of my comfort zone, and I couldn't be happier with my decision. The instructors at DanzArt are kind hearted and dedicated to their students. Their passion is reflected in their dancers. DanzArt is my home, my place to be free, to work on myself in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and to pursue a new passion. It's a place where I can be a new me, a better me. I thank DanzArt from the bottom of my heart for giving me this opportunity to expose a graceful, more elegant side in me that I never knew existed. I recommend DanzArt to everyone, no matter the age, gender, experience, etc. Come to DanzArt, you will be welcomed with open arms in our family of dancers.

Eva Crnković, Ballet, Dance Kinetics, Body-Barre student, Canada

Nikad nisam mogla ni sanjati da ću početi plesati balet kao odrasla osoba, ali i to se dogodilo. DanzArt je najbolje mjesto za to. Svi predavači su prekrasni učitelji i plesači i velik je izbor satova. To mi omogućava da kreiram svoj vlastiti plesni raspored koji stane u moju već ionako obavezama natrpanu rutinu. Jako volim plesati u DanzArtu, ali ono što najviše volim je osjećaj topline i obitelji koji imam svaki put kad dođem i vidim Irenino nasmijano lice.

-Tajana Belina, učenica baleta i plesne kinetike, Hrvatska

Iznenadilo me koliko sam se brzo zaljubila u taj nevjerojatno teški baletni izazov. Ono u što sam se zaljubila je to da balet toliko zahtijeva da budemo prisutni u trenutku i pokretu da je nemoguće misliti na nešto drugo.

-Anita Budak, učenica baleta i Body-Barre-a, Hrvatska.

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